Connecting dots


Please don't try to connect dots to song videos that I post with my own feelings. All the videos of singers I post, I do so because I love their voice, the way they sound. Lyrics to a song don't touch me like that to make me cry or be happy or whatever. I quit having feelings a long time ago. For the record I am doing just fine and I don't need to talk to anybody about my "problems" or "feelings".

I reckon I want to ride a bull since I'm posting this video. I would ride George Strait though haha. This is a old video of him he was hot back then and even though he's in his 50's now he's still a hot looking dude and I'd still ride him;)


Mr. Urs said...

Well, keep posting the music. We don't get much of this kind over here.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Sweetie :)
I won't do that anymore :)

I like George too...He does have
a great voice...


Laurie ya to post again though :)

MartininBroda said...

Thank you for showing some music I didn’t know and to be honest I presume not like. You quit having feelings a long time ago, that’s interesting I’ve tried this concept for some years, it didn’t work for me. Good luck.