Just One Reason Why I Think I'm Crazy


A few of you know this about me but most don't. You may wonder why I'm writing about it. Well usually I just accept it and don't really think about it much. Thats not to say I havn't thought about it a lot in the past just not so much anymore. If your wondering I hate to talk on the phone. Let me repharase that I am scared to death to talk on the phone. Now you know how crazy I am haha. Most people my family or friends know this about me so they just accept it and don't call or if they do I know its an emergency. Trust me when I say I have thought about this long and hard why Im this way about the phone. Im no shrink but I come up with 2 reasons that may have caused it and both make sense. First reason is when I was little we had a phone but it was drilled into the kids that your not to use it only in case of emergencies. I dont know who know this or not but my "father" was a drunken asshole. Ive written about it before on another blog but never on this one. Anyway Ive been whipped more than a few times when I was little for using the phone for what he thought was a stupid reason. So if your whipped enough you eventually learn not to touch the phone. I know someone may comment and say Mike your 22 years old its time to grow up and act like a man. Well yeah I know that and dont think Ive not tried to beat this problem and maybe someday soon I will. Okay heres my 2nd reason why maybe Im scared to talk on the phone. Only my family and certain other people know this but I have a stuttering problem. Not so bad now but when I was younger it was real bad. And you know kids how mean they can be when they see a defect in someone. So you get made fun of at school and around and you learn not to talk so much. I have the stuttering whipped now to where I only do it at the beginning of sentences but still I'm self consious about doing it and thats why I think I dont use the phone much. Like if its my family or friends I'll talk on the phone cause they know I stutter but if it rings and I dont reconize the number I wont answer. Also I never start a call I will never call anyone. They always have to call me. Anyway thats one reason why I think Im crazy. Dont even get me started about me not liking pics of me being taken thats a whole nother can of worms.


Anonymous said...

Ohh Mikey,
I'm so sorry. :o( I remember you telling me about these things a while ago. I'm so sorry you went through such horrible times, you deserve so much better. NO! You're not crazy at all!! It makes perfect sence why you're not comfortable being on the phone. If I went through all that shit, I wouldn't wanna talk to anyone at all ever. Don't say you're crazy because you're not and you know it. You are so much better than you think you are and I love you so much Mikey!

Laurie said...

I really don't think you should
worry about anything. When you look
like you do (I remember the photo
from your myspace) you don't need
to talk. You are (I don't think
you know) FLIPPING HOT! You could
just sit there and look good. If
you're worried about what others
think I'm sorry. I wish you could
see that You are wonderful, VERY
sexy and kind hearted.

Anonymous said...

Oh no Mike, you're not crazy. I also HATE talking on the phone. My younger friends all seem to live on the phone tho. It's weird. They'll call me up...nothing to say, really...they just want to "hang out" ON THE PHONE! Or they'll call me as soon as they get in their car. It's like, they assume that since THEY aren't doing anything then neither am I. Once I realize what's going on I say, "Gottago! Talk2Ulater!" and hang up. They probably just call up someone else.

My generation (I'm a little older than you) looks at the phone as an intrusion, an interruption. But young people look at it as a great communication device - more than just two cans and a string between them, it's like being there without having to actually be there. My best friend's fiance (they're 25) calls him while shopping at the supermarket. Then she calls him from the checkout line. Then she calls him from the parking lot. They consider this "normal." I, obviously, don't. Such a relationship would drive me fucking crazy.

So don't feel bad about hating to talk on the phone. I'm with you, man. If that's your worst phobia, you're doing alright indeed!

Mr. Urs said...

Don't worry worry, I too don't like neither of those two things. Who are those people who think one has to answer a phone?

Michael The Shadow said...

Ya know buddy, that makes a lot of sense and you are so NOT crazy! Think that most folks take a phone for granted sort of. And the reason why you don't call or talk on it makes a lot of sense.

And you know what? If you could see yourself through other eyes (man I wish *I* could take this advice), you'd be surprised at how many people think that you're really gorgeous :)....but that's just my two cents worth.

jimm said...

Gee Mike, i could write a book on this subject. With my hearing loss at a young age, I took speech lessons for 10 years. I still have trouble pronouncing words since I tend to say them the way I hear them. And yes, ppl made fun of me.

The phone? It is a daily crisis. It's kept me from finding a decent job. For hearing-impaired, the phone is total frustration.

And my dad was a drunk too. I hated being home!

But still, you have to face your fears. Your greatest strength is your 'crazy' ability to persevere.

Luv ya tons, hang tough dude!

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better after talking about these issues on your blog--it's brave of you to share this with us.
I agree with the other commenters--you are not "crazy"! You have some hang-ups (no pun intended!) like all of us do, and you have legitimate reasons for them. But--you sound like you are trying to deal with them and move forward, and THAT is what's really important.
You are also VERY cute, and we should all keep reminding you of that until you start to believe it!!!
Big hugs, Elise

sillyboi said...

Mikey, Some say I live on the phone and I guess that is because of all my family being so far away. I am always on the phone to one of my family members or something. but I talk to a few of my friends but for the most part I am hardly ever on the phone. For your first reason. I completely agree and understand why you dont like being on the phone..No Harm no foul.. 2nd reason I also understand, I have a friend that has a studdering problem and he doesnt like to talk on the phone because of that. But I look at it like this though. If your friends and family cant accept you for your faults or your problems then no one can. I accept you for who you are no matter what problems you have. I myself have a dyslexia problem so I hate writing things by hand cause I still have problems with letter and stuff, so we arent too different in the forms of communication..

Anonymous said...

I so hate to talk on the phone. I'm so grateful the answering machine was invented. My BFF stutters and some used to make fun of him but not around me. He fell on a toy dog with a wire tail when he was a child and the wire ran into his brain. Since then he stuttered. Just like Mel Tillis he doesn't stutter when he sings. I got whipped a lot too. My Dad never was a drunk but my parents are religous zealots who believe strongly in the spare the rod spoil the child line. When ever my Gay side would come out they felt that they must beat it back down. Some times I deserved it though like when I decided to rearrange the ornaments on the christmas tree. I was 10 or 11 years old. It was a large real tree. Well, it fell over, boy did I get a whooping that time. I don't put up a christmas tree anymore. See things from our past do shape our present lives. Your a great guy, Mike with a big heart and we all love you here in the blogging world. Ed

Uncle Gerry said...

I, too hate to chat on the phone. I am older than you (as you know) and I look at the phone as a tool that I use in my pro9fessional life, not an entertainment device like so many of the young people today. Luckily we both have a blog where we can express ourselves better than any phone conversation. You do have a tendency to under appreciate yourself as you are a warm, loving young man who happens to be handsome as hell. Love to ya!

Martin O. said...

Well, count me in as a member of the "Crazy No-Phone Club", too. haha...
I have a pre-paid cell phone that I use maybe twice a month. When I was a kid, we usually didn't have a phone 'cause we couldn't afford one. So never got in the habit of using a phone. And I also had a speech impediment when I was little and didn't talk much. I still think my voice sounds really weird if I hear myself on a recording.

bob in florida's comment reminds me of something I saw just a few weeks ago while in the supermarket. There was a young woman pushing her cart down the aisle, talking on the phone. I heard her say "I'm on the cereal aisle. What aisle are you on?"
She was talking to a friend who was in the same store!!

From some of the comments here, it sounds like we start our own 'group therapy' session, so long as we didn't do it by phone! :)

Polt said...

My dad stuttered a bit all his life. he hated talking on the phone too. But he still did it. And since most of the people he would talk to knew him, and knew he stuttered, we'd just wait for him to finish. It was no biggie for all of us.

And as for the photos, dude, you are freakin hot!! There should be MORE photos taken of you...the less amount of clothing, the better. :) Nah, I kid. Seriously, I'd not worry about the photo-taking if I were you.


Tim said...

while perfectly normal reactions to your upbringing and life, the choice and ability to deal with them, or not, is up to you. We all have something which we feel self conscious about but maturing as a man is learning to overcome life's obstacles and achieving your dreams. You can do it, you're already way down that path.

Monogram Queen said...

I HATE to talk on the phone too, it's almost a phobia for me so I do empathize and understand. I will do just about anything to avoid answering a ringing phone.