Missed chances


I had a chance to go to a Nascar race this weekend but had to turn it down. Their racing in Hampton which is not far from where I'm staying. Corey invited me, the whole family was going.

I can't see myself going to the race as much as I wanted to go and them paying for it. Corey was even trying to talk me into going by telling me he was paying for it himself but I know better.

It would probably been odd being at the race anyway cause Ryan and his boy friend was going to be there. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for them and every thing but I do think it would be awkward, not that I would ever do or say anything its just a funny feeling i have.

It's OK really cause I can still watch it on TV.


Anonymous said...

*sigh* Sweetie....You are just
so wonderful....I'm really proud
of you for being who you are....
It takes a strong person to walk
in your shoes....I would have loved
for you to come here...TONS of
places around here are hiring...

Honey....I so wish you were here
with me....If you know how to do
general maintenance...I could
probably get you on with the
district...The guys that work on
our stoves, ovens, ice machines...
They are a bunch of great guys...

I send you my love and hugs!!!!



Anonymous said...

I think your concern about awkwardness w/ Ryan and his BF is a very honest and legitimate reason for not going to the race.

I'm just wondering, though, if another "family function" comes up in the future where Ryan and his BF will NOT be there, would you consider going even though you know the family would be paying?

I think you ARE a member of that family---Ryan's parents seem to be such loving and welcoming folks, who define their family beyond the traditional. Corey, for example.

I know you are not in the same situation as Corey, but you do have a family-like relationship with them. They love you! And you love them, right?

I hope you can find it comfortable to accept a future invitation, without feeling bad about them paying (of course the Ryan issue is a different concern).

Boy, I sure can talk a lot.

sending you a big hug, Mikey!

MartininBroda said...

"May the hand of a friend always be near you.
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
Wherever you go and whatever you do."

Anonymous said...

hey mikey,

i can understand what its like to go someplace where the person that you fell in love with is with another person. I would have done the same thing. You just stick to your britches and enjoy what you have now because were both so young and theres a long life ahead for you.
