To Fat To Fish


Hey everybody yes that's right its time for my bi-monthly update lol. Not much going on in my crazy ass head which is a good thing I think. Some good new is I ain't had a drink since a week before the last post I put up. I ain't gonna count the days I hate doing that it makes me feel like a alcoholic which I don't think I am I think I was just experimenting and I'm done with that so I'm not keeping track of the days. I have decided to go back to school so. Yes I quit listening to the little devil on my shoulder. For some odd reason I pictured him as my "father" and after I did the decision wasn't really that hard. Switching subjects, for those that don't know I use to be chubby as a kid then during my mid teens it got in my head real bad and I started starving myself. Then I got my head right and started eating right and got my weight where it should be in the last few years. Anyway I been feeling lately I'm fat again. I don't know really why other than maybe I need something for my fucked up head to worry about be it drinking or my weight or losing a boy friend or whatever. So Ive started watching what I eat lately and I think I can afford to lose about 20 lbs. before it gets any worse than it is. I got a few pics of when I was younger and skinnier kinda sickly looking and I know I don't want to go back to looking like a skeleton but think losing a few lbs wouldn't hurt. That's about it for the update I reckon. Took a few pics of stuff around my town and wanted to share so check them out below.

I see this old wagon everyday and whenever I do it always kinda reminds me of the old Little House On the Prairie Show. Also makes me think of who all rode on it in its lifetime and what all its seen. My old barber I go to in town says its been parked in that same spot as long as hes been there and that's 40 years so its kinda cool to think about it. Btw what do y'all pay for haircuts where you live. For me is 7.00 dollars it was just 5 till a few years ago and the barbers wife made him raise it lol.

I just love the color of this bush but for some reason it don't look as blue in the pic but still is pretty.

What do you see in the distance? I know I use to stop there about twice a week but since I'm getting fat its off limits now:(


Mr. Urs said...

If this isn't a positive post. Maintain the even keel. Just look that you loose the weight on the hips and not on the shoulders.

Laurie said...

I'm so proud of you!!!! Makes me
wanna cry.

Hey, we could lose weight together.
I could stand to lose about 50 lbs.
K' really if I wanna be healthy
it should be about 30-35 lbs.

Keep up the great work and please,
don't be so hard on yourself when
it comes to Mickey D's. Have a
salad or something. I still have
cravings for the fries.....GREAT!
Gotta get me some fries!!!


Carl said...

Congrats on the weight loss. I used to be 235 lbs. A few years ago my cousin dies of a heart attack at 38 years old.

After that I started to excersice and I lost 70 lbs. I have put a few lbs on since my auto accident, but I am working to get it off.

One nice side affect of excercise is it really helps clear the head. It has helped me fight off depression.

Carl said...


What kind of West Virginian are you? That ain't no wagon. That there is a Manure Spreader or more commonly called a SH** Spreader.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing as Carl. That is a shore nuff manure spreader. Damn, Mikey you must be skinny I can't even see you in that picture but the West Virginia country side is beautiful! The Blue flower bush is a Hydrangea and a person has to put Iron sulfate around it's roots to turn the flowers blue or they'll turn pink. Anything else about nature you want to know I'm a fount of useless knowledge. Ed

Anonymous said...

I forgot, the price I pay for a haircut is $11.00 I'm thinking of going to WV next time I need a haircut. haha. Ed

Carl said...

To Fat to Fish....I know where you got that title.

Anonymous said...

Isn't "To Fat to Fish" a book by Artie Lange who is Howard Stern's close personal friend? Ed

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are kickin' that little devil in the balls and moving on to better choices!

And I also love blue hydrangea!

Take care, and we'd love more frequent posts, and more pictures--you take great photos!


Anonymous said...

I saw a guy on the Today show who lost a shit load of weight by eating only at McDonalds. Ed

jimm said...

$10 for a haircut here and thats cheap too. One thing about overeating or drinking, i always say, replace your bad habits with good ones. Like jogging or hiking to lose weight. Btw, supersized fries is the equivalent of eating a stick of butter. Yuck!

Tim said...

Excellent use of mental imagery!! seriously that was smart associating your dad with negative choices.

Sounds like you just had a bit of depression about the whole break up and if that wasn't normal than nothing is. Good luck on the weight loss!