Guess Who's Coming To Dinner


Well I should have an interesting evening tonight. My mom called yesterday and invited me and "Josh" over to dinner tonight. She said she was making one of my favorite meals to make sure I accepted. If you was wondering its meatloaf,mash potatoes,green beans and corn and homemade rolls. Anyway I felt kinda bad that she thought she would have to fix a special meal for me to come see her. I know we live in the same town and I do call her almost everyday or she calls me. Its just that between working nights and getting a few hours sleep during the day then going to classes its just hard to make the time. I'm gonna have to start making a better effort to go see more at least twice a week. I said before it should be interesting because "Josh" and my mom have never met. He's not from around here originally and she knows most everybody in town. She has asked several times before has she seen him around town and didn't even know it was him so I know she wants to see him. Its not that I don't think she will be nice to him cause I know she will its just that I got a nervous feeling about it.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure your Mom will love 'Josh' She isn't losing a son but gaining another son. I know all about living in a small town. Everybody is into everybody's business. Tell Josh to bring his appetite and sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

I love the movie reference and it is very fitting. Like the movie, things will work out fine. It seems that your mom doesn't care, she just loves her son. I bet she was happy when you came back to WV. It is alway hard the first time when your parents meet your partner. I wish I was coming to dinner, the menu sounds great.

Monogram Queen said...

Honey gay or straight it's ALWAY nerve-wracking introducing the S/O to Mom. Always! I know it will go great!

Anonymous said...

you guys will be fine, dont' worry about it, and have a good time. dont forgtet to tell us how it went!


Anonymous said...

Ohh YUM!!!! :o) Ohh buddy, I know everything will go wonderfully & from what you've told me, I know she will absolutely love meeting him! :o) I know everything will be alright. :o) Take care & I love you!!

Tim said...

LOl i see all the classic signs here of a mother using her considerable knowledge to meet your man. even if you haven't told her your dating I'm sure she has her suspicions.
If you feel bad for missing time with her make a specific day that she can expect you. !! and don't forget to help with the dishes!

jimm said...

Hey man, you'd be nervous even if it was a girl you were bringing over to meet your Mom for the 1st time, right?

I think it's totally kool that your Mom would want to meet your boyfriend.

I have this gay friend who is adopted, but his adoptive 'family' has rejected him ever since he came 'out.'

You're really lucky to have a Mom like yours...and one who can cook, too!

Laurie said...

Just relax. She loves you!
I'm wishing you the best.