I Wish It Was My Imagination


Y'all probably seen the comment on my last post that I'm going to be talking about. If you didn't here it is made by anonymous Quite the imagination you got there. I never intended to ever have a blog. I just signed up to blogger one day because I was lonely in my little small town and was looking for other gay people around my age. None of the people who read my blog now were around back then. This is I think my fourth blog,I deleted 2 others when my sister in Florida found them on the internet. This is also my second blogger account, I deleted the other because of my sister also. Ryan is using the third blog I started and this is my fourth. Like I said I never intended to start a blog but I found Ryan on blogger and he talked me into making one. He said it would help me to get over my shyness if I write my feeling down. So I did and to be honest its hard for me to put my feelings into words thats why y'all see me skip several months at a time without posting. The first 2 blogs were real personal stuff about growing up with a drunk for a "father" and being beat on a regular basis and watching my mom being beat on. My brother dying of a drug over dose and the hate I had and still do for my "father." How glad I was when he died and that kind of stuff. Stuff that was really personal and difficult for me to write but I did because it did make me feel better after i got it out. I don't write stuff like that anymore because I got to the point where it felt like I was whining about it and I told myself to grow up.

So I say all what I just said to tell whoever thinks I have a "great imagination" I wish it was just all my imagination. When I get people saying I'm making stuff up well then its time to call it done I think. I don't know if it was a regular visitor to my blog or just a random stranger. I would like to think it was a stranger because all the people who visited my blog I think I know their names from comments and would hope they believed in me enough to know I wouldn't be making shit up. Just for the record I have never made up a single thing on any of the blogs Ive ever had. Now with that said Ill say so long and if anybody wants to keep in touch with me feel free to email at MikeyP21@inbox.com. I am going to continue to write on the 2 blogs I started over at Today.com, after all they aren't personal and I cant be making the stuff up. The 2 links are below and so I reckon Ill be saying so long now.

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