Lazy Day


Hey guys no classes for me today so yeah for me. I just been messing around on the internet. I posted on my sports blog I have a little while ago and gonna post on the other one later. I wanted to ask a favor about them but first wanted to tell about how schools being going. I'm actually loving it which surprised me because you know how I am always thinking the worst is going to happen. Ive seen quite a few guys who I would guess are gay, quite a few to me is 5 coming from small town WV that's a lot lol. Anyway I may be wrong but they are worth keeping my eye on:)The guy Jordan who I helped has called me almost everyday since I met him which is cool with me. I don't mind at all. He has said a few times if I mind him calling and I keep telling him no. I finally got me a tv, its not that big 27 inchs and I got it cheap because its not HD which I don't need. Hell I still remember not so long ago when we had a old tv with dials and you got up to turn it so anything with a remote and I'm a happy camper. I been spending a lot of time with Corey, we been going to the mall a lot and hes showing me around town, showing me the ropes I guess you could say. Ive pretty much settled in,all I need to do is find me a job. Ryan's mom says not to be in any hurry and concentrate on my school work but I hate not paying my way so Ill have a job soon.

I had mentioned my other 2 blogs earlier and I wanted to ask a favor. I know some of y'all read Ryan's blog also so if you see he has posted something about my blogs on his blog its because I mentioned it to him and he said he was going to. He has a lot more people come to his blog so I think him saying something will help more than me. The favor I wanted to ask is if y'all would link my 2 blogs to yours if you have one and start visiting them regularly. I'm trying to get into the top 10 in traffic,the tenth place blog gets 570 visitors a day. Right now all I get is about 25 visitors a day on average so I know that's asking a lot and its a big jump to 570 but I was going to try anyway. The number one blog if you was wondering gets 2,900 visits daily so that's way out of my league but I maybe could get close to 570 with you guys helping. Even if I don't make top 10 it would be cool to see how close I can get. If y'all can help in any way Id appreciate it a lot and if you cant that's cool to we can still be buddies:)

All Sports News
Hollywood News And Gossip


Anonymous said...

Looks like the sports blog has over 500 hits but that is total I think. I'm not too big on sports but the gossip blog is great. I commented on Oprah but i tmay not work out. I don't have a blog of my own. Old farts that are circling the drain for tha last time would just bring everybody down, ya know? ed

Laurie said...

Hey Sweetie!

I put your links up on my blog...
Not that it'll do better....
You should talk to Uncle Gerry...
Maybe have him do a shout out about
it...You shouldn't worry about
asking for help...YOU ARE SUCH A
upon us we will be there ALWAYS!!!


Monogram Queen said...

I"ve commented on both blogs and I will get your link up hon, remind me if I don't (or set Ryan on my tail hehe...) I"m a procrastinator and easily distracted by this SNOW!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Ryan sent me...Much Good Luck To You! Hope you win!

ryan field said...

Hey Mikey,

I'm a fan of Ryan's and I'm linking to your blogs. I just started mine so I don't know how it will help, but who knows.

ryan field said...

Hey Mikey...I'm linked to all three blogs. Hope it helps.

I have to say...I like the blogs too. I love the titles.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that school has started off as a positive thing for you!

Oh, and I'm VERY glad you decided to keep blogging, and just screen the comments. Maybe if the assholes see that they aren't getting published, they'll go away!

Love the gossip blog--I've added that to my favorites.

Happy Obama Hugs!

Laurie said...

Hey Sweetie!!!!

I'm just checking on ya....
Wondering how school is going....

Hope all is well with you!!!


Carl said...

Mikey, if you want people to read the blog, you have to update more often. I come back everyday to read.

Honestly, the best way to get readers is to update, even if it is only a few sentences.

Laurie said...



Anonymous said...

Hey Mikey! It's been a month buddy. How about the promised update? If you don't have anything to say don't let that stop you. Some of us with nothing to say do an awful lot of talking. ed