New Start


Well look who made it to Atlanta safe and sound and in one piece, little ole me. I didn't have any trouble getting down here I just hate driving such long distances with no one else in the truck. But like I said I made it. Left on the 1st at about 5 am and with stopping a few times I got down here about 3 in the afternoon. Of course there was Corey waiting on me at the house to welcome me lol. He helped me unload all my stuff which didn't take long. I am glad he was around though because in the move I somehow jostled my computer and it wouldn't work at first but he took the side off and found something loose and plugged it in and worked good as new. I wanted to go see my school so we went into the city and he showed me where it was. He'd already figured out the quickest way to get there from the house. Classes don't start till the 9th so I just been getting use to the place around here a bit. I don't have a TV yet so that sucks but Corey let me know I can come up to the house anytime and watch up there. My favorite football the Dolphins is playing today at 1 so I'm going up to watch it. I don't want to make a nuisance of myself so Ill be getting me a TV real soon. My uncle gave me a little money to help me out till I found a job so Ill use some of that to find me a cheap one. No time to go to the mall and look at cute guys before the game so I reckon Ill just hang out here till one.


Laurie said...

I'm happy for you Sweetie....
I did have someone here that I
wanted you to meet but that's
alright...I saw him yesterday and
had told him that I tried to talk
you into coming here...He was one
of the students at Richland where
I work he graduated in 2005....
Also he goes to the TCC campus that
I had e-mailed you about...

I'll send ya a picture of him...
He's a HOTTIE!

I wish you a wonderful future!!!!


Art Is Life, Life Is Art said...

Hello Mike! :o)
I am extremely proud of you and very glad you made it safe. I wish you the VERY best in ALL you do!! I thought I would inform you, in case you did not recieve them...I did reply to the e-mails in which you had so thoughtfully sent to me. I thought I would inform you of this, in case the e-mails were deleted before you got them...AGAIN! :oP I wish you the very best in ALL you do! Thank you for being all that you are and all you ever will be! Take safe and enjoy your new home!! :o) "GO DOLPHINS!!!!"

Tim said...

Yeah! to new starts. have a fun week, hope you find a decent job and get ready for school. Best wishes Mike!