Sit Down And Quit


Hey guys sorry for not posting in so long. I have read your comments asking about me and I know I'm terrible for not getting on here and letting y'all know how I am doing. I got no excuse other than being really depressed the last few months mainly over money. I hate to even talk about it,to me stuff like that's your own business but i think of y'all as friends and I read how you worry about me and everything. You ever feel like sitting down and saying the hell with it and just throwing in the towel. First off no I'm not depressed over Ryan that's just something that didn't work out and hes a great guy and Ill never say anything bad about him. The whole depression thing is about me wanting to stay in school but not having the money to.I'm still in school as of now and paid up but that ending soon and my full time job I was working cut me back to part time so that's just my good luck lol. Ive had people offer to loan me the money ok I say people only Ryan has offered but I think you know I cant take money from him. I just wasn't raised that way. We do still talk on the phone and I was asking him if he had any ideas for me. He mentioned how it might make me a few extra dollars by putting ads on my blog like he has on his. He donates all his to charities but he says its adds up to a good bit over time so I thought Id see about doing it. I didn't want to do it on this blog cause not that many people come to it so I made a blog about American Idol but I got to figure out how to get people to come to it. I chose American Idol cause I never miss a episode of it and its popular and thought maybe people would be interested in it. Ryan said he would mention me on his blog. Some of the ads are google and some are amazon. The amazon ones are harder to make money on I think because a person has to go through your blog to order something. But google are the kind you just click and it makes cents. Hell I probably wont make nothing but I can try. I just want to continue to go to school and theres no damn jobs around this place to be had. Anyways guys that's what I been up to nothing really just work,school and money problems like I'm the only one has money problems but that's it.

Oh almost forgot to tell you,if anybody does happen to go to my new blog you'll notice the name Darrell on posts. I was wanting to keep it separate from this blogger account so I made another one. Darrell is the name of my brother who died if you were wondering how I chose it. Just thought it would be cool to use it.


Laurie said...

I have talked to Ryan about you...
Wondering what's going on and all..
He said you were stressed...
I so wish you were here....You'd be
able to go to school and work and
not worry about a thing.....I'd
have you stay here with my family..

Honey, I'm just so glad that you're
alright....That's what matters
most to me....

Also, if you have to you can take
some time off of school and
go back when you can....Well, like
the next school year....Talk to
the administration...

Here's wishin you the best!!!


ps...I'll go check out that other
blog :)

Monogram Queen said...

Mike hey hon! Ryan alerted to your posting!
I'm so sorry about school. I just don't see how you can't get enough financial aid. I finagled mine but I guess it's a never-ending battle isn't it. Make sure you nag nag nag the financial aid office, there are grants and stuff too. Sending you big hugs and happy thoughts.

Laurie said...

Hey Sweetie!!! Sorry about this
but I went to go to the other
blog and I couldn't :( I thought
it was my computer :(

Hope you're doing well!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mikey, It is about time you got your ass in gear and started blogging again ;) I sure missed you pal. It isn't hard to get student loans and grants. Go to the financial aid office they'll help. Everbody does it so don't be ashamed to accept the loans and grants. When you graduate you can have enough money to pay the loans back. ed

Anonymous said...

When I clicked on the american idol thing it said the webpage could not be found. You might need to change the name since they have that title reserved for the actual show stuff. Don't stop believin' 'kay? ed

ÅŽG€£ ©. said...

Hey Mikey! Haven't spoken to you in awhile, was wondering what happened to you on Ryans blog but I am aware now. I am blogging again lol. Also about your financial situation, you may want to go to the financial services building and talk to them about a possible payment plan or even to deferr payments until after you graduate. Also, do you have any scholorships or student loans you can use? If you need any help with anything I have a vast knowledge of schooling, loans, and deferring loans. Just hit me up if you need help. (

Love ya and stay warm,