What's Wrong With People?


Has anybody seen this story about the 19 yr old guy who committed suicide on a webcam as people sat and watched him and did nothing for hours. How could you sit and watch something like that and not say anything?


Laurie said...

I didn't hear about that...
When and were did it happen...

I wouldn't be able to watch and
not do something before he did it..
I couldn't just sit there....


Anonymous said...

It reminds me of the song: Dirty Laundry...The bubbleheaded bleach blonde comes on at 5, she can tell you about the Train wreck with a gleem in her eye, people love it when you die they want dirty laundry.
It is a shame that a young man felt there was no other way out. I've been there a few times myself, but then I'm an old fart. ed